All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching,
rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may
be thoroughly equipped for every good work. 2 Tim.
3.16, 17
Scripture is much debated as to origin, content, veracity
and meaning. I choose to receive these verses as a reminder that God is clearly
and firmly behind all that is contained in His Word. Furthermore, He speaks
clearly in and through what is written to hearts and ears that are open to hear
Him and to receive what He has to say.
I believe God’s Spirit works throughout the whole of the
Bible leading the believer, just as Jesus promised, into all truth. The Holy
Spirit will teach me all that I need to know. I rejoice that He will remind me
of everything Jesus has said. He
will rebuke and correct me as I need it. I can receive from Him all the
training that I need in righteousness. This is God ministering directly and
personally to me. Yes, the Holy Spirit is my personal trainer. As I offer
myself, and as I allow Him free rein to work in me, so He will mould me into a
thoroughly-equipped man of God, fitted to do whatever my Father would have of
Further, the Holy Spirit will sustain me in constant
readiness. God’s Word is alive. It is dynamic. So I am fed daily, according to
my needs and in readiness for anything that God may want me to do.
There may be times when I am called on to debate His Word. I
have read many human interpretations, some of which are deep, insightful and
helpful to further understanding. Some, by comparison, appear quite fanciful.
On balance, I shall stay with the Holy Spirit as my commentator and interpreter
of God’s Word, and be guided by Him also in any travels I undertake through
human versions of what God might be saying.
God’s interpreter and guide (aka the Holy Spirit) is always
available to direct and steer me through His Word and His ways. Hallelujah! I
rejoice in such a blessing.
Holy Father,
I thank You for a new
day, and for what I receive as a fresh word from You. I take from this
reflection an assurance that Your Holy Spirit will ever show me the way through
Your Word. As I am diligent and attentive He will clearly show me Your way. As
I offer myself, He will be my true and constant guide. Dear Lord, I thank You
for this reminder of Your faithfulness.
I offer myself to You
without compromise or restriction. I pray for the enabling, and maybe sometimes
a Godly reminder, to look always to You in complete innocence and utter
dependence. You are my life. Yours is the way, the only way I want to go. Come,
Holy Spirit. Lead me into this day. Take me through the day in obedient service
to my Lord and Maker. My love for Him moves me to serve Him with all of my
being. Lead me on, in Jesus’ Name I ask. Amen.
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