Monday, 3 September 2012

Keep watch

Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour.                    Matt.25.13

Jesus has just narrated the parable of the ten virgins. The wise ones were prepared with oil for their lamps and were able to join the bridegroom at the wedding banquet. The foolish virgins were forced to seek oil at the last moment and missed their entry to the feast. When they arrived later and sought entry, they were firmly told by the bridegroom, “I tell you the truth, I don’t know you.”

I have recently been drawn to the reverential aspect of my relationship with God. And I don’t mean tip-toeing around in His presence, but I mean getting hold of his fearsome majesty, righteousness and purity, and submitting my meagre and humble life to these undeniable aspects of His sovereignty.

I believe this to be a most important part of my journey with Him. I cannot be ready, I dare not hope to ‘keep watch’ if I focus only on His grace, mercy and love. My God is a righteous and just God. He commands my obedience and respect

My desire is to live fully in His will. I do not achieve this by hoping that my dreams and aspirations will be endorsed, outworked and fulfilled by Him. Forget this! That is not submission to God’s will. I do not need a theological degree to work out that what God requires of me is to love Him with all of my being and to live my life in obedience to His commands. One of these commands is simply and succinctly put when He says, “Be holy, because I am holy.” (1 Peter 1.16). I can’t do this on my own. But I can be willing. I can apply myself to what is possible for me, and I can offer myself to God, submitting joyfully to His leading in and through me.

Lord God, Holy One,

I honour You in Your majesty, righteousness and total goodness. I come before You in reverential awe. I tell You that I fear You and yet I ask You to increase in me a right fear of almighty God and lead me further into a life of holy awe.

Great King, You are holy. I am unworthy in myself to enter Your presence, but Jesus has made the way, and so I come. I thank You for this. I do not minimise Your grace towards me in any way, but I seek to go deeper. I desire to live a life pleasing to You in every respect. I offer up to You any and every ambition I might foster within me save that of pleasing You and living in the fullness of Your will. I want to be holy. You are holy. I turn to You and ask You to lead me. Guide me in paths of righteousness. Rebuke and correct me whenever necessary. Show me Your way, the small gate and the narrow way that leads to life, true life in You.

Receive this prayer, and receive me, in Jesus’ Name I ask.                                        Amen. 

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