Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Cursing God?

And they cursed God on account of the plague of hail, because the plague was so terrible. Rev.16.21

The people cursed God. People have been cursing God for a long time. Sadly, even Christians curse God.

What amazes me with this reference is that the people cursed after so many indications that they should be doing the opposite. They had experienced the wiles of the beast. They had been subjected to the sufferings brought forth from the seven bowls of God’s wrath, and still they were unable to repent and bring themselves back under the love covering of a forgiving God.

I know I do not do everything perfectly. There are times when I must irritate God. I wonder if this would even be sufficient to cause Him to rain down hail upon me.

There are times when I seem disappointed with God, but I pray I will never be tempted to curse Him.

Lord God,

I come to You today from a perspective of love. I love You so much and I earnestly want to show it.

There are times when I am not fully with You and I ask You to forgive me for such times. I ask You to protect me from any times getting so bad that I might be tempted to curse You.

I pray for those who are so lost and far from You that they have no concept of the love, understanding and blessing that they are missing. These lost millions need a miracle. You are the God of miracles. I cry out on their behalf. I ask, Father, forgive them. Soften their hearts to receive You. Let their eyes see, their ears hear and their minds accept the miracle of salvation. Then let them open wide their hearts to receive Jesus.

I ask this in His precious Name.                                                                                  Amen.

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