Saturday, 29 September 2012

The enemy overcome

They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony;
They did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death.              Rev. 12.11

The brothers (in Christ) overcame the accuser. We know this yet I feel that we often need reminding of this great and powerful truth. The foe has been defeated. The enemy has well and truly lost his pathetic fight against the Almighty.

Yet, he still persists. He cannot lead anyone into victory but he has sufficient power and persuasion to drag many down with him.

Those who choose, can stand up to him and overcome. They will overcome because the blood of the Lamb has been shed. The Lamb overcame death and the shed blood has washed all with purity and release from sin. The Lamb saves. The Lamb rescues us and releases us from the threat of evil.

Yet we may be tempted still. We resist the temptation by speaking forth against it. We declare our state of salvation and our commitment to the Saviour. This is our testimony. It is to be spoken forth. Each one who has received Jesus as Saviour and has declared Him as Lord has a testimony. The testimony of the saints with the blood of the Lamb will overcome the accuser and banish him to his rightful place.

And the brothers, and sisters, are not afraid of death. Fear of punishment, of persecution and of dying will not deter the sincere believer from sharing their testimony.

Indeed, what is death? It is the closing of this earthly turmoil and the opening of the door onto the wonders of an eternity filled with love. It heralds the most joyful homecoming. How can there be anything to fear from death? Why would we want to cling on to miserable worldly existences when the glory of heaven is available to us?

Lord God,

First, I thank You for the blood of the Lamb. I embrace the reality of Your sacrifice for me. Even before I was capable of doing anything – good or otherwise – for myself, I was steeped in sin. I was born into it. I inherited it. Yet Your desire for me was to be restored to purity and the fullness of a loving relationship with You. You knew I could not do this for myself. It needed a pure sacrifice. And there was only one who qualified – You! And so You came. You came and lived among us. Oh, I praise You! I praise You, Lord!

We didn’t all recognise You, and we certainly didn’t appreciate You. And so, the Lamb was misunderstood and maligned. He was betrayed, tortured and killed. And the spilling of His blood made possible the restoration of all the lost to You. His atoning death brought eternal life, a life that is freely available to all who will acknowledge Jesus. Thank You, Lord, O thank You!

I want to be known as a Godly man, as a man of God. Take me, please, and use me. I have a testimony and You are adding daily to my testimony. Give me opportunities to share. Give me insight to recognise each and every opportunity, and give me boldness to speak forth in testimony.

Lord, this is my prayer for all the saints. Let us not hold back, but let us speak forth. Let us share as brothers of Jesus. Let us spread the good news, and enlarge the family.

And, Lord, I ask You to remove any fear of death from believers. Let us look forward to that wonderful time when we shall return home to be with You forever.

Hallelujah! I praise You, Lord.                                                                                   Amen.

Thursday, 27 September 2012

With Him

They will make war against the Lamb, but the Lamb will overcome them because he is Lord of lords and King of kings – and with him will be his called, chosen and faithful followers.                                                                                           Rev. 17.14

I feel that I can see the war coming. The moral divide between worldly practice and Christian teaching is widening. I see more and more antagonism, ridicule and rejection coming from the world towards the Christian way of life. Yes, they will make war against the Lamb. And where will I be? I wonder how well I might face persecution – and I’m not exactly talking martyrdom here! What about small criticisms and jibes? Can I respond as I believe God would have me respond? Or am I more likely to smile tolerantly and, by doing nothing, accede to wrong practices?

In reality, in heavenly reality, I have nothing to fear. For my strength is in the Lamb. The victory has already been won by the Lamb. He is the all-mighty. In solid and confident alliance with Him I will stand in victory.

I do not understand the writing of Revelation with a great deal of clarity yet it seems to me to give plenty of forewarning of trying and difficult times to come. The advance notice is certainly there. But so is the assurance of victory. I will never know the confidence to win through my own strength. But I claim the Word of God that I can do all things through him who gives me strength (Phil. 4.13).

I will press in to the Lamb. I commit to my Lord. And I will see the victory in Him.

Lord God,

I commit afresh to You today. Whatever lies before me, I ask You to lead me through. I seek Godly joy to fill my heart. Times ahead may be easy or trying. I know not what is to come, but I know I have an assurance in You. I turn to you. I seek Your way and only Your way. I want to follow Jesus.

Jesus said “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world”

Yes, Lord, the glorious Lamb is victorious. Death has been conquered; sin has been overcome. The victory is ours. Lead me in victory, precious Lord and holy Master. Keep me to the narrow way. In my own strength I will wander, but in Your strength I can do all things right and well. I pray also for the Body of Christ. Strengthen the Body. Let Christians everywhere receive a new awareness of Christ in them – the hope of glory. I pray for unity in Your resurrected church. Let us stand as one. Let the world see the Body of Christ as You would have it seen. Lord of lords, King of kings, lead us forward, in overcoming. The victory is Yours. Hallelujah! I praise Your Holy Name.                                                            Amen.

Monday, 24 September 2012


If anyone’s name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.                              Rev. 20.15

The “book of life” is God’s royal list of the righteous whom He blesses with life. The “lake of fire” in apocalyptic literature is equated with the “hell” of final judgment.

This verse speaks to me clearly of the final destination for each one of us. We will either receive eternal life through our inclusion in the book of life or we will be cast into the lake of fire to suffer eternity in Hell. There is no third option. This revelation strengthens my resolve to pray for the unbelievers whom I know and love. I don’t want anyone to perish. My prayers can make a difference. I know they can! I offer them in faith.

Lord God,

I believe my name is written in Your book of life. I thank You for this. Indeed, I shall be eternally grateful.

The alternative to eternal life through the book of life is a life of eternal damnation lived in Hell.

Lord, there are many I know and love who do not embrace Jesus as Saviour and Lord. I cry out for the salvation of their souls. I want to see their names written in the book of life. Hear my prayer, Lord, for each and every one of them. Draw them to Jesus. Move upon them and in them, that they would receive Jesus into open hearts and proclaim Him as Saviour and Lord.

I cry out to You on behalf of the lost. Touch them, Lord, with the power of divine self-revelation. Bring them to an undeniable encounter with the risen Lord. Touch my family, neighbours, friends and acquaintances. Have Your way in each life, in Jesus’ Name I ask.

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Cursing God?

And they cursed God on account of the plague of hail, because the plague was so terrible. Rev.16.21

The people cursed God. People have been cursing God for a long time. Sadly, even Christians curse God.

What amazes me with this reference is that the people cursed after so many indications that they should be doing the opposite. They had experienced the wiles of the beast. They had been subjected to the sufferings brought forth from the seven bowls of God’s wrath, and still they were unable to repent and bring themselves back under the love covering of a forgiving God.

I know I do not do everything perfectly. There are times when I must irritate God. I wonder if this would even be sufficient to cause Him to rain down hail upon me.

There are times when I seem disappointed with God, but I pray I will never be tempted to curse Him.

Lord God,

I come to You today from a perspective of love. I love You so much and I earnestly want to show it.

There are times when I am not fully with You and I ask You to forgive me for such times. I ask You to protect me from any times getting so bad that I might be tempted to curse You.

I pray for those who are so lost and far from You that they have no concept of the love, understanding and blessing that they are missing. These lost millions need a miracle. You are the God of miracles. I cry out on their behalf. I ask, Father, forgive them. Soften their hearts to receive You. Let their eyes see, their ears hear and their minds accept the miracle of salvation. Then let them open wide their hearts to receive Jesus.

I ask this in His precious Name.                                                                                  Amen.

Sunday, 16 September 2012


And they cried out in a loud voice:
“Salvation belongs to our God,
who sits on the throne,
                                                              and to the Lamb.”                              Rev. 7.10

Salvation is a gift and it is a gift from God. Jesus said, “No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him.” (John 6.44)

Many millions worldwide have not yet come into salvation. Closer to home there are many I know that I would like to see in the body of Christ, in the Kingdom of Heaven.

I may pray for these people I care so much about. I may even share with them, to the extent that they will receive, my love and delight for God. But I cannot bring them into salvation. God alone does that. I trust that my prayers move Him. As the multitude cried out in the revelation that John received so I cry out to our great and wonderful God.

Dear Lord,

I also cry out Salvation belongs to our God. I remember still the wonderful gift You gave me when You drew me to Jesus and brought me into the Kingdom.

I pray now for family members. I pray for my dear neighbours. I pray for friends and acquaintances. My prayer for each and every one of them is for salvation. Lord God, would You draw them to Jesus? Please open hearts and minds, unblock ears and remove the blinkers from eyes. Let them see You, hear the message of salvation, feel the amazing love, and respond in positive affirmation.

I restate Your wish, Lord, that no one shall perish (2 Peter 3.9). This is my desire also.

Please hear my prayer. I commit each and every one of these I pray for to You in humble request for their salvation. I ask this in Jesus’ Name.                                              Amen.