Sunday, 12 August 2012

An open mind

And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, he explained to them what was said in all the Scriptures concerning himself.                   Luke 24.27

Then he opened their minds so they could understand the Scriptures.    Luke 24.45

In both these cases the reference is to the Old Testament writings. Indeed, at this time the New Testament was not in existence.

I know from my own studies that Jesus “inhabits” the Old Testament Scriptures. They are full of his presence and proclamation. And now, we are privileged to know the New Testament writings and the further, and more overt, revelation of Jesus. I want to know and understand all I can about my Lord and Saviour. And I want to know Him deeply, intimately, lovingly and practically.

Lord Jesus,

I trust I do not misread my heart. I want to know You. I want to live in You and with You, and I want to share You with others in a real and life-changing way.

I can learn much about You from the Holy Scriptures. I ask You to open my mind as You did with those early disciples, and I ask You to explain to me what the Scriptures, all of them – both Old and New Testaments, mean. By Your grace let me understand all I can about You. I ask also that You would draw me close to You in real and intimate union. I ask for a powerful relationship, a true abiding of You in me and me in You.

I ask, then, for God-given opportunities to share with others. Out of my relationship with You I desire to reach others and minister to them, leading them into their own relationship with You.

Sweet Lord, know the deep desires of my heart. Hear this, my ardent prayer. And respond, I beg You, for I ask it in Your precious and powerful Name. Hallelujah!                     Amen. 

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