Wednesday, 8 August 2012

A touch

She came up behind him and touched the edge of his cloak, and immediately her bleeding stopped.                       Luke 8.44

There are several aspects to this story for me which come together in this verse.

The woman had suffered for twelve years. She had found no respite or cure. But she knew that she could be healed by Jesus. Perhaps she was too timid to approach Him directly, or fearful that she might be rebutted. It did not matter. Her faith was strong enough for her to come up behind Him, knowing that the merest touch was all she needed. She touched Jesus, and was instantly cured.

Jesus knew that He had been touched. He knew that someone had come close enough to Him to be affected. When anyone comes to Jesus, He knows instantly. There can be no furtiveness with Jesus. All is clear to Him. Nothing is hidden.

Jesus knew that power had gone out of Him. He was not diminished in any way, but He knew He had touched and impacted someone. He knew and He was not angry. He acknowledged the act of faith in the woman and He blessed her: “Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace.”

What applied to this woman so long ago I believe applies equally today. If we come to Jesus in faith, He will know and He will receive us. We will receive power and healing as we touch Him. And we will be affirmed and blessed by Him.

Lord Jesus,

I come to You anew. I come in faith. I come to face You. I seek to touch You and to receive from You. I seek relationship with You. I ask for power to fit me for works of love and grace in Your Name.

I pray for those who need a touch from You. Hear my prayer on their behalf. Reach out, Precious Lord, and touch them with Your healing, release, and the wonderful gift of salvation.

I love You, Lord. I look to walk with You today. Hallelujah! Praise Your Name.       Amen.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Fantastic Peter Francis the man of the Great God. God Bless you abundantly. Peter Frick
