Friday, 8 June 2012


Indeed, in our hearts we felt the sentence of death. But this happened that we might not rely on ourselves but on God, who raises the dead.            2 Cor. 1.9

Paul is speaking to the Corinthians about his experiences in Asia. He does not enter into particulars but he does talk about hardships suffered, and great pressure far beyond the human ability to endure. He says this led him to despairing of life.

He is painting an extreme picture of human trial and desperation. He despaired of life to the point of feeling the sentence of death in his heart. I imagine, at this point, that he is totally at an end of his own resources and, consequently, utterly reliant on God. God broke through and delivered Paul from the pressure and hardships such that Paul is able to bring this bold testimony to the Corinthians.

This incident clearly illustrates to me the principle of dying to self. Paul was brought (was this indeed by God?) to a place of total surrender – death – to his own agenda and any personal coping mechanisms he might have been tempted earlier to rely on. From this death-to-self God raised him. Yes, God raises the dead who are willing to die to self. This is a most wonderful phenomenon for those who will earnestly, and with full heart, follow Christ. Like Paul, we can surrender our despair, our frustrations and inabilities, and let our great God raise us up into His enabling and His purposes.

But there is even more. Paul’s words describing God “who raises the dead” have other applications also. At the end of this earthly life God raises us from death into eternal, immortal life in Him and with Him. Hallelujah!

Oh yes! I want to rely on this God who raises the dead. I want to die to myself and live only for, and in, Him. I want to live the fullest life in Him, both here on earth, and beyond.

Lord God,

I choose to die to myself and to live to You. I realise I cannot fulfil this in my own strength. And so, having exercised my will in choosing to die to myself, I ask You to lead me in that way. I ask that Your kingdom come to pass in my life, and Your will come to be done in me.

I pray for opportunities to share in faith, for openings to bring hope into the lives of others. I pray now for those who are in need of hope. Hear my prayer, Lord. You know everything. You know those that I now pray for. I ask You to link them with loving Christians who will look upon them with the compassion of Christ and touch them with the love of the Father. I ask these things in Jesus’ name.                                                                                 Amen. 

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