Thursday, 21 June 2012


The LORD came and stood there, calling as at the other times, “Samuel! Samuel!”
Then Samuel said, “Speak, for your servant is listening.”           1 Sam. 3.10

God came to Samuel. He stood by him and called him by name. Furthermore, the Lord had a long and lasting, faithful and powerful ministry for Samuel. This happened at a time when, we are clearly told (3.1) the Word of the Lord was rare and there were not many visions. Furthermore, Samuel was God’s answer to Hannah’s prayer birthed out of great anguish and grief, a prayer poured out to God in bitterness of soul.

God is truly amazing. He has a plan and He will unfold His plan notwithstanding the condition of those He chooses to use. Hannah was in great need, indeed in despair. In her despair she cried out to God. He heard her, and answered her in the most miraculous way. Israel was assuredly in a mess. Eli’s sons, wicked and debauched, treated the Lord with contempt and used his name in the vainest way. Eli, it seems, was helpless to change them. But God’s way will not be thwarted. Through the child He miraculously gave to Hannah He was going to minister to His people in power and grace. Samuel’s ministry would lead to the appointing and anointing of David as king over a united Israel and Judah.

I believe Hannah’s act of obedience in dedicating Samuel to the Lord’s service was instrumental in the unfolding of this powerful ministry. As she prayed, in misery and despair, Hannah promised the Lord that she would return to Him a son for His service if He would but give her a son. When God fulfilled her prayer, she kept her commitment to him.

God’s will combined with our obedience will achieve the most remarkable effects for the Kingdom of Heaven.

Lord God,

I marvel at the calling of Samuel. I see Hannah crying out to You in agony and despair, and possibly in anger too. But You heard her and answered her prayer with a miracle.

I see the sad state of Israel under the abuse of Hophni and Phinehas. I see the dryness of the land made manifest in the lack of the Word of the Lord and the absence of visions.

I see this, but I see also Your sovereign grace upholding and unfolding Your plan of redemption. I see the specific and special anointing You held for Samuel. I see the humble obedience of his mother, Hannah, and I thank You for her. I see the wonder of his growth and education in the temple as he is reared into the very ministry of serving you. I see that whatever might be lacking in the teaching of his earthly tutors is provided by You. I see all this and I marvel. I rejoice at Your wonderful plan for Samuel.

I rejoice also in knowing that You have a plan for my life. You have ordained purposes for me that will not be achieved by another. I pray Your plan for me will unfold, unhindered by me. Lord, have Your way in my life, and don’t let me get in the way.                             Amen.

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