Sunday, 9 October 2011

Strong and Courageous

Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.                   Deut. 31.6

These words are given to the Israelites as they are about to enter the Promised Land. After forty arduous years of wandering in the desert they are about to receive their reward. Yet I feel any excitement might be tempered with extreme apprehension, for they had previously received reports that the land was inhabited by giants. Certainly Caleb and Joshua gave a good report but they were outnumbered by the spies who gave a bad report. And now the Israelites were about to enter this land. I wonder just how they felt.

I can translate their situation into similar type circumstances that I experience. It’s not, perhaps, that I’m entering a ‘new land’ yet I may be entering upon territory (physical or psychological) that I might find threatening, confronting or intimidating. I may just be downright nervous.

This is when I need to remember these strong words of encouragement to the Israelites, and claim them for myself. I can be strong and courageous. My Lord is God of all. I need never fear, for my Lord, my mighty God, has told me He is always with me. He will not leave me. He won’t forsake me.

Lord, Mighty God,

I do not know how the Israelites felt at the time they received these words of assurance and strength from You. I do know there are times when I am hesitant, uncertain, unknowing, scared even or extremely nervous.

Yet You are with me. You are always with me. You go with me. This is active and not passive. You do not leave me. You will not forsake me. And with You, all things are possible.

Lord God, I thank You for these words of strength. I thank You for Your continued presence with me. I look forward to the journey, through today and tomorrow, in You. I praise Your Name.                Amen.

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