Saturday, 1 October 2011


As Simon Peter stood warming himself, he was asked, “You are not one of his disciples, are you?”
He denied it, saying, “I am not.”                                                                   John 18.25

Jesus had warned that Simon Peter would deny Him three times. Peter had protested. Yet when the time came he weakly denied his Lord and Saviour.

It is possible to be beguiled when reading the first part of this story to see oneself being strong where Peter was weak. Yet in reading the scene of the three denials one can readily see how they came about. After the first challenge “No, not me!” Then, “ ‘fraid  not.” And finally, “No way!” And it’s done. The Lord of Heaven is denied by mere man.

And so it goes on. Down through the ages humanity has denied Christ. Some, like Peter, have truly been followers, yet stumbled and mumbled when the challenge came. I think I have been like this. I repent and apologise to God and pray fervently that it will not happen again. Others don’t even want to hear the gospel story. They dismiss Jesus as irrelevant and outdated. Perhaps these are fearful of what they perceive to be the price they have to pay. What these lost souls don’t realise is that the price has already been paid, in full, by Him. We pay no price, we receive the benefit – the benefit of eternal life, begun already and lived each day as we commit to Him.

Certainly there are changes that we make as we move from sin into salvation. But these changes do not bind or punish us. Personally I don’t see them as punitive. Yes, we must “carry our cross” but this, I truly feel, releases rather than restricts. In Jesus I find a freedom and a liberty that I do not find in the world. As I travel further with Jesus I am both relieved and delighted to shed the restrictions of worldly expectations. I am free. I am happy. I feel more “me” than ever I felt when attempting to live by the world’s distorted perspectives. I do not need to rise to any heights in worldly acclaim, dizzy or otherwise. The knowledge of who I am, who I truly am, is sufficient for me. I am a child of God and I am free to be me, truly me, totally me.

I do not realise the full extent of the character and being of my divine parent. For now, I know just enough to excite me, to sustain me, to encourage me, to animate me (O yes, I get so excited about God, and Jesus, and the Holy Spirit), and to lead me forward in an even greater expectation to see, to learn, to behold, to receive. My heavenly Dad is the most exciting. He can do anything. I say that, but I am slowly discovering the full extent of its meaning. Yes, He can do anything and – guess what? I can do all things through Him who strengthens me. What a combination! What an amazing partnership!

Why would I ever want to deny this – to myself or to anyone else?

And why would anyone want to deny this wonderful and amazing opportunity – to join with the greatest force, to be family with God Almighty, to know this great, powerful, loving, forgiving, gracious being with the intimacy of the closest, deepest relationship – a real relationship, a meaningful connecting, and a powerful, profitable and fruitful partnership.
Amazing things can happen as we go forward with the One we were created to live in relationship with. We may witness, and be part of, world-changing events. We may see love spread across the face of the earth in an unprecedented outworking of the Father’s will. We may see harmony between men and women, in neighbourhoods, in cities, and in nations. The will of God is that none shall perish but all might know eternal life.

Lord God,

Forgive me for those times when I have not acknowledged You as freely and as strongly as I should. Forgive me for those times when I may have denied You altogether. Forgive me and set me free. I pray that I will never again hold back from declaring You to be my Lord and Saviour. I want to loudly proclaim You. Help me, please.

I pray for those who know You but are uncertain of their belief. I pray for those who do not know You. I pray for the truth to be revealed and for the light of Jesus to shine clearly dispersing any darkness.

I pray for the world today. May those who know You willingly share their testimony, and Your love and grace, with all who will truly listen. I ask You to open ears to hear and eyes to see.

Come in power and undeniable love, in Jesus’ name I ask.                            Amen.

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