Thursday, 21 March 2019

His will

“You go to the Feast. I am not yet going up to this Feast because for me the right time has not yet come.”           John 7.8

Here is a further reminder that Jesus moved in accordance with the will of God. This was the way of His life, and John especially makes several references to timing (2.4; 8.30; 7.6, 30)

Jesus was so in touch with the Father and, through His faith in the Father’s will and purpose for His life, He was able to act accordingly.

He did not leave for the Feast with His brothers yet, when the Feast was half-way through, He arrived at the temple courts and began to teach (v14). At this time the crowds in the temple would be at a maximum, and the teaching would reach many. Was this the Father’s will? Did the Son know this? We’re not told. Yet it does not seem an unreasonable assumption.

Lord God,
I am interested to learn that Jesus felt the time was not right to leave for the Feast at the start, yet He was moved to go when the Feast was halfway through. This seems like a most accurate interpretation and compliance with the will of the Father.
Will I ever know Your will with such certainty and accuracy? I cannot say with any degree of assurance! Yet I can offer myself to You today with the prayer that You will lead me and guide me. I release myself into Your holy and perfect will. My desire is to fulfil Your plan for me today.
I look forward to the day that stretches before me. Many things are already anticipated for today. I place each and every arrangement before You and pray that each one will unfold as Your will causes it.
It is so exciting living with You. I rejoice that You are with me. I’m here for You. Take me and lead me, in Jesus’ name I ask.             Amen.

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