“You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit that will last.” John 15.16a
I remember clearly the time when God got hold of me. I see it now as His ambushing me. He took me by surprise, drawing me to Him in intimate and lasting relationship.
Jesus says He chose me to go and bear fruit – good fruit, fruit that will last. In those early days of growing relationship with the Holy Trinity, I had no idea of what lay ahead. When I went to Bible College it was with the sole idea of wanting to know God more and to get close to Him – or so I thought! It was sometime into studies that I had the novel idea that God might use me.
I believe God is using me, and it is the most wonderful thing. I use the present tense because our relationship continues and our working partnership goes on. I hope that good fruit has come forth over the years, fruit that will last.
I am well aware that it is not I who works, but God works in and through me. As I let go and release myself to Him, so He is free to work as He pleases in me.
I feel great contentment in my relationship and work with Him. I am not necessarily satisfied, but I am content. In this I think I connect with Paul.
I still call out for more. After this year’s adventure – removal of a brain tumour and the recovery I seem to have made – I think I can look forward to more life and work in this world. But I must not anticipate! God is in charge and my cry is, “Not my will but Yours be done.”
I look forward, whilst I enjoy each day as it comes, and to the fullest measure. Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is yet to come, and I don’t know what it might bring. But today is here. It is now, and Jesus exhorts me to live in today. I know He is with me, so, together, we will journey through the day, working in partnership and enjoying each other.
Lord God,
I thank you for choosing me. I cherish the relationship that we share. I thank you for my Lord Jesus, my friend, co-worker and constant companion. I thank You for the day ahead and pray that many blessings will flow. Amen.
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