Saturday, 1 September 2018


When the Lamb opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven for about half an hour.                                         Rev. 8.1

These words appear dramatic and arresting to me. I can only imagine how serious the situation would have been to cause all heaven to be quiet. Indeed, Mounce (NICNT – The Book of Revelation, 1977, p 178) describes it as “a dramatic pause”. He says: when the seventh seal is opened, a great hush settles over the worshipping hosts of heaven. For a period of about half an hour there is breathless silence as all await the judgments of the scroll now unsealed.

I know how man sometimes contrives a dramatic silence before making some major announcement or pronouncement. Yet, surely, any and all of man’s attempts would be feeble against the power of the silence of all the heavens.

And the silence is a prelude to the judgments about to fall on the earth. Against the back cloth of this silence, drama is enacted as trumpets are given to the seven angels before the throne.

An angel standing over the altar mingles incense with the prayers of the saints, and taking fire from the golden altar fills his censer and casts it upon the earth. The intensity of the scene is incredibly heightened by the complete absence of any sound. (Mounce, p179)

No earthly director could produce such an effect. (How they would die to do so!)

God in heaven is Almighty, all powerful. When He commands silence it is truly awesome.

This description of silence moves me to think of another silence – a time when, in the exquisite beauty of no sound, God speaks to me, gently, appealingly, graciously, loving me, drawing me to Him, showing me just how precious I am.

O, the beauty of silence!

Lord God,
I thank You for this powerful reading today. My breath is taken away as I think of the expectation that comes when You command silence.
In the reading from Revelation, the silence ushered in the judgments on the world – stark, strong, severe.
In my mind and heart, silence can bring me humbly into Your presence. There I can receive encouragement from You – encouraging, edifying, enriching.
O Gracious One, how amazing are Your various and varied ways. I come before You today in penitence and in faith. Forgive me and lead me forward. I look to You for the whole of this day. I receive You as my journey companion. I anticipate a wonderful experience of life today with You.
Lead me, guide me, be with me,
In Jesus’ name I ask.               Amen.

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