Sunday, 29 July 2018


Buy the truth and do not sell it;
get wisdom, discipline and understanding.                       Prov. 23.23

I like the concept of buying, or buying into, wisdom. Embrace it and hold to it. I see the exhortation to not sell it as meaning not to abandon it rather than ‘don’t give it away’. Wisdom is certainly to be exercised, shared and imparted. Wisdom is knowing the truth and exercising it appropriately. 

Wisdom combines with discipline and understanding. These are not alien features. Discipline is control, direction and willingness, willingness to be led by God and to learn all that He desires me to learn.

Understanding is a most wonderful thing. To see, and perceive, and understand the things of God.

Truth, wisdom, discipline and understanding – what riches!

Lord God,
I heed this word to buy the truth and to remain in the truth. I ask You to lead me, always, in the truth.
The writer exhorts me to get wisdom, discipline and understanding. I seek these things. I come before You in request and expectation. 
My prayer is for wisdom, discipline and understanding. Hear me, Lord, heed my request and answer me in Jesus name I pray. Let me know Your discipline. Show me Your ways. Lead me in them.
I pray also for further understanding of Your Word. I ask You to open my mind to receive the Scriptures as You open the Scriptures to me. 
Let me know truth, wisdom, discipline and understanding as I go forward in You.
Thank You, Lord. Praise Your name.           Hallelujah!           Amen.

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