Keep on
loving each other as brothers. Heb. 13.1
With a request
such as this we could be tempted to respond from knowledge of the behaviour of human
brothers, perhaps even from our own experience. Some brothers do not get on all
that well. Some cause each other harm, even death. I can readily cite the
examples of Esau and Jacob, of Cain and Abel.
I have been
blessed with extremely good relationships with my brothers. Yet I know of
instances where relationships have not been good, in fact where they’ve been
unhealthy and damaging.
We may each,
then, need to apply varying degrees of change to view the encouragement of this
verse as we are meant to receive it.
Jesus Christ
may be seen as our great and gracious elder brother. I see this present plea
being for us to love each other as He loves us, to consider and give to one
another as He would have us give. Whatever our experience with our human brothers,
we are to move on from this and display love to all, in the manner of Christ’s
love for us.
This may cause
some reflection upon our relations with family members, indeed with anyone with
whom we struggle in relationships. Can we forgive? Perhaps I should present
that as, will we forgive? Is there a need for us to institute reconciliation?
As I consider
the relationship trials that Jesus faced, I see the ally that He is for me in
growing my relationships.
Lord Jesus,
I truly want to love all with genuine Godly, brotherly
love. At times I might struggle to do this. Help me, please! Amen.
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