Wednesday, 13 December 2017


And you have forgotten that word of encouragement that addresses you as sons:
         "My son, do not make light of the Lord's discipline, and do not lose
         heart when he rebukes you."                                          Heb. 12.5

The first part of this verse reminds me that what follows is an encouragement. God will likely discipline me and the encouragement to me is not to make light of His discipline. He may have good cause to bring correction and I could learn valuable life lessons if I embrace what He's saying and commit to act on it.

The encouragement continues in telling me not to lose heart when His rebuke comes. I know that God is not vindictive. He will not discipline me without good cause. And He will do so in love and with the utmost consideration. This is His way.

There is much I can learn as I open myself to Him. There are times when He may affirm me in positive, even glowing terms. This is wonderful. But I know that I will not always do the right thing, and it is good for me to be willing to accept His correction. He knows better than anyone else how I can improve my walk with Him. Furthermore, He will have the tenderest, most effective way to bring about correction in me.

Let me not make light of His discipline. Let me not lose heart at His rebuke. Rather, let me open myself to receive Him fully. Let me willingly embrace His affirmation and His correction.

Lord God, and Loving Father,
I open myself fully to You. I look to receive both Your affirmation and Your correction. Yours is the way I want to go. You are the ultimate guide in that way. I ask You to have Your way in me.              Amen.

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