Tuesday, 24 October 2017


Because he himself suffered when he was tempted, he is able to help those who are being tempted.                                                                                                           Heb. 2.18

This verse conveys a major connection between Jesus and those who follow Him. He was tempted, and He suffered through the temptation. He experienced the sort of feelings and reactions that might come to us as we are tempted. He can be empathetic to our experiences.

I have been blessed to see something of how this works in my own life experience. From time to time individuals have come to me asking to talk. There may have been others they could have approached, but they sought me out, sometimes with the words. “I’d like to speak with you because I feel you will understand.” My experience may not have been identical with theirs, but the exposure to trial, testing and likely suffering fits us to understand the difficulties that others experience.

How uplifting it is, then, for me to be reminded that Jesus experienced suffering and He is well fitted to identify with me in my tribulations. But this is not limited to identification. These words encourage me that Jesus can help me. He is there for me to turn to. He will not turn me away. He will listen. He will understand. And He will show me the way through. I have yet further connection with Him. And what a sweet connection this is. As I surrender and share my troubles with Him, He shares His peace and blessing with me!

Lord Jesus,
These words tell me simply that You are there for me. You have experienced pain and You are with me in those painful moments of my life. You hear my cry and You help me. I am so grateful. The journey is easier with You alongside me. Thank You,                      Amen.

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