have come) to Jesus the mediator of a new covenant, and to the sprinkled blood
that speaks a better word than the blood of Abel. Heb. 12.24
Abel suffered
violence and death at his brother's hand. Cain's jealousy caused him to commit
the most atrocious, and deadly, crime against his brother. Abel's blood cries
out in protest against this violence and injustice.
blood, on the other hand, was shed purely out of love. John expresses this
clearly when he says, "God so loved the world."
God loved us so much that He sent His own Son to die for our sins. This is the
cause of the spilling of Jesus' blood. He came as mediator of the covenant of
love and grace. God has always loved. He is unchanging. His love for us has
always been sure. What the new covenant brought was His action of redemption in
love. The Old Testament presents one opportunity after another for people to
return to God through their own right actions. But they are unable to do so -
and we are unable to do so! God does it for us.
The blood of
Jesus does indeed speak a better word than the blood of Abel. Love and grace
demolish and overcome violence and injustice. Whereas the blood of Abel cried
out in protest, the blood of Jesus invites. It says, "The price has been paid.
Come to the Father. Return to Him and let Him love you. Do not struggle in your
sin. Release it, and give yourselves into the arms of love."
Holy God,
I thank You for the blood of Jesus. I receive its
message of love, grace and hope. I confess my sins and ask for Your
forgiveness. I give myself into the arms of love. Amen.