Tuesday, 6 September 2016


“You will search for me, but you will not find me; and where I am, you cannot come.”                                                                                                                        John 7.34

These words remind me, yet again, of the truth Jesus spoke, in saying, “No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws them.”

Jesus is here speaking of His return to the Father, where He now reigns in glory. He is right in saying,  “Where I am, you cannot come.” We cannot come, not on our own that is. But we can go with Him. As He called the first disciples with the words, “Come, follow me” so the invitation is there for any who will respond.

Jesus said, “You will search for me.” Many are searching today. Some are quite unclear as to what they’re looking for but I think all would respond willingly to the gift of peace and inner rest.

So, in this world of trial, tragedy and trauma, I remember the risen Christ, triumphant now in heavenly glory, interceding always for me, and inviting me, still, to “Come, follow me”.

Lord Jesus,

How can I thank You adequately for what You have done for me? I open my heart in gratitude to You.

I truly want to follow You. I ask You to equip me to share the truth of You. Open up opportunities for me to touch people with Your mercy, grace and love. Today I re-dedicate myself into Your service. Take me, and use me where You will and as You will.

You are my constant companion. I thank You and embrace You in love and in truth.
Hallelujah! Bless Your name.                            Amen.

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