The way has been made for me to come to God. The writer has said we have confidence to come. Yes, we do. But this confidence is not in ourselves. Our confidence is in Him, and only in Him. He has made the way, the invitation to me is simply to follow the way He has made.
Again I hear Jesus say, "Come, follow me". After His resurrection Jesus ascended into heaven. By His death and resurrection He has made the way for me to follow. One day I will see Him face to face in Paradise. Meanwhile, I am blessed with glimpses of heaven in the here and now. I sense one such glimpse in this present moment as I realise the joy I feel in drawing near to God.
My heart is truly sincere in this. Other aspects of my thinking, speaking and doing may not always resound with sincerity to God, but I declare my heart to be sincere. He has cleansed my heart from a guilty conscience. I will not hold on to guilt. I release it through confession and repentance. I receive the cleansing that only He can give. I know the bliss of a hot shower that cleanses my body. God offers me a washing with the purest of water. Thus, with cleansed heart and a washing in pure water, I am clean inside and out. I express my gratitude to my wonderful Lord.
Almighty God,
I thank You for the cleansing and release that I find in You. I thank You for the confidence I can freely place in You. I sense that confidence grow as we continue the walk together. I thank You for the glimpses of heaven that You bless me with in this earthly state. I thank You for all this, and for You. Amen.