Wednesday, 20 April 2016


…while he was eating with them, he gave them this command: “Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift my Father promised, which you have heard me speak about.”                                                                                                    Acts 1.4

Jesus is talking to the disciples and He is telling them to stay put, to remain where they are and wait. In waiting, they will then receive the gift promised by the Father. This gift is the Holy Spirit.

These words of waiting speak to me. So often I am wanting “to go”. Yet Jesus could well be telling me to wait. In waiting, I can let God do what He wants to, in me and with me. As I wait, I may receive gifts that He has for me and, further, by waiting I might realise more completely my receiving of those gifts and their purpose.

Waiting is no idle occupation, nor is it a waste of time. Waiting is spending time with God and, as I allow it and give time and space to Him, it will be rich and enriching time. I see it, not as waiting for God and impatiently wishing for time to pass and His gift to me to be declared. Rather I see a waiting on God, or waiting upon Him. This is a time of communion and communication with Him, a time of sharing and mutual enjoyment. It fosters intimacy. Indeed, without giving time and waiting on Him, I cannot grow in Him and into Him.

Waiting time is not wasted time. Waiting time is precious, God-filled moments of relating, and belonging. 

Holy Father,

I wait upon You. I rejoice in this time I have to sit at Your feet and simply be with You. I relish this time and give myself fully to it. How precious it is to know You. I thank You for Your gracious acts of drawing me to You and assuring me of Your presence at all times.

If You would speak to me, I am attentive. May I hear You clearly and be willing to follow in anything You may ask of me. Should You have any gifts for me, I will most happily receive them, and ask You to lead me in using and sharing them.

Let us sit together now as I wait upon You. I praise and thank You.              Amen.

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