Saturday, 20 February 2016

Little children

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”                                           Matt. 19.14

The children had been brought to Jesus but the disciples sought to stop them. This was not Jesus’ way.

I note that the disciples spent much time with Jesus and surely got to know something about Him. Yet they got it wrong when it came to the children. They had completely misunderstood His regard for the little ones. And it was a major misunderstanding. In His response, Jesus indicates the importance of little children: for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.

What happened with the disciples can, I feel, so easily happen with me. I could pick up the wrong intention where Jesus is concerned. It is most important that I check out, that I ask God, and keep myself in listening and heeding attitude to what He would do in and through me, and have me do for Him. I would not want to send the children away when His intent is to embrace them. Whether it be little children or any other matter, my desire is to do what is right with God, to be obedient to His call and purpose, and to please Him. May He lead; and may I be willing to follow!

Lord God,

I note how the disciples “got it wrong” when it came to the little children. I know there are times when I get it wrong. I ask You to forgive me, and to bring correction so that I continue in Your way.

I give myself, daily, to Your will and Your way. Direct my steps, please, that I may do what You would have me do. I want to live in harmony with You. I seek to please You, for You mean so very much to me.

I surrender to the great and righteous God. Your holiness is something I struggle to comprehend. I ask that You would bring greater revelation to me as You lead me on. Please help me, Lord, I’m Yours.            Amen.

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