Tuesday, 22 December 2015


“David calls him ‘Lord’. How then can he be his son?”                        Luke 20.44

Jesus challenges the teachers of the law with this question. He quotes Psalm 110 where David says, “The Lord said to my Lord…” David is acknowledging his successor, the Messiah, as his Lord, his superior. Jesus’ question of His opponents would not be answered by them unless and until they could admit the Messiah as the divine Son of God.

I have no problem or difficulty in acknowledging Jesus, fully, as my Lord and my God. Yet I remember a time when He meant nothing to me. I had heard, indeed experienced first hand, the Christian story and I rejected it. It seemed like fairy stories and it wasn’t for me. Then, years later, God got hold of me and drew me to Him and, for the first time I believe, I experienced the reality of relationship with Him. This was His work. Certainly I responded in the affirmative, but my response was to His action.

His exercise of lordship was an overwhelming demonstration of His love. ‘Lord’ has a number of connotations, some of which we may look upon unfavourably. For me, the first reality of ‘Lord’ is ‘Love’, and it is full, secure and simply wonderful.

Jesus said David calls Him ‘Lord’. I call Him ‘Love’ and I am thrilled to be His son.

Dear Lord of Love,

I thank You for drawing me to You and claiming me as Your own. I acknowledge and receive You as Lord. I invite You to be Lord of my whole being.

I cone before You in humble and heartfelt worship. You are my God. You are omnipotent, supreme. Yet You love me. I don’t understand this, Lord, yet I receive it. I open my self wide to the love You have for me. Pour forth, please, in abundance. Let me share, willingly and freely, all that You give me for myself and for others. Lead me on. I want to share Your Lordship and Your Love with the whole world.

I’m Yours, my Lord. Take me now.                   Amen.

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