“But I tell you that men
will have to give account on the day of judgment for every careless word they
have spoken. For by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you
will be condemned.” Matt.
12.36, 37
There will be a day of judgment.
Let me be in no confusion about this. Jesus tells me that on such a day I will
be called to give account for every careless word I have spoken. This causes
concern, for I believe I have spoken thus during my lifetime.
Sometimes I may have uttered
careless words “carelessly”, that is, without having given consideration to
what was about to come out of me. It may not have been my intent to speak
critically or hurtfully, yet this could well be the effect that my words have
wrought. At other times I could have been quite aware of the sting or irony in
what I said. Maybe at such times I was feeling hurt and needed to strike out.
Whatever the reason, I cannot
be excused for speaking carelessly – under any circumstances or in whatever
I wonder if Jesus is giving me
hope in His next words: by your words you will be acquitted.
There have been times when I have been able to speak positively and
encouragingly to others. Will such times win over against the times when my speech
has been condemnatory? I sense that I will need to wait for the day of judgment
to know the answer. Meanwhile, let me give myself to speaking words that affirm rather than speech that condemns.
Gracious Lord Jesus,
I repent of any negative and judgmental words I may have spoken to
others. I repent and ask Your forgiveness.
I ask also that the Holy Spirit lead me in uttering words of comfort,
hope, encouragement and affirmation. May such sentiments foster my ongoing
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