Wednesday, 19 August 2015


“He who listens to you listens to me; he who rejects you rejects me; but he who rejects me rejects him who sent me.”                                                                   Luke 10.16

I am reminded that I represent Jesus, not only as I speak for Him but also in all that I am and do. I take hold of the phrase, “You may be the only Bible that people will read.”

Jesus is in me. I truly believe this! He is in me, and He must come out. I am committed to Him. I give myself to Him for Him to shine out through me.

Jesus connects me to the Father who sent Him. As I am in personal relationship with Jesus, so to I am with the Father. I also claim relationship with the Holy Spirit. My God is most wonderful, and I relate to every part of Him.

As I share, then, I give of my connections with Father, Son and Spirit. And whoever receives from me, receives what I am open to give them from the Triune God. Whoever is open and willing to receive will expose themselves to the blessings of heaven. As people allow themselves to listen to me, this verse assures me that they will be listening to Him. Conversely those who reject me, reject God – Father, Son and Spirit. I feel for such people. Words cannot adequately describe the extent to which they miss out. I can feel for them but I sense there is little else I can do for them in the physical realm. I can, however, be more useful in the spiritual realm. I can pray for them!


I have two aspects to my prayer today. The first is that I will be willing to speak for You in each and every situation You would have me do so. I ask You also to give me the words to speak and the actions to play out.

I pray as well for the listeners. May they willingly hear what You say to them through me, and may they eagerly respond. I pray for those who reject. I ask for a softening of their hearts, and further opportunities for them to hear and respond to Your message of love. I share Your desire that none shall perish. Receive my prayer, in Jesus’ name I ask.                   Amen.

My book “God Talk” is available through major Internet booksellers.
A taste of the book's content can be seen in the You Tube clip (Search: Peter Francis - "God Talk").

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