Jesus answered, “Unless I
wash you, you have no part with me.” John 13.8b
What does it mean to be washed
by Jesus? One word that comes quickly to my mind in answer is: clean!
Jesus cleanses me and He
purifies me. Jesus is the sinless One and, as He washes me, streams of living
water flow all over me. I am released of sin and set free of what might inhibit
me and prevent me from having part with
From his washing, I can go
forward in Him, with Him and for Him. To
have part with Jesus tells me I am enabled to share with Him the wonderful love
of the Father and I can join with Him in the Kingdom work of spreading that
love and leading others, more and more, into the Body of Christ and the family
of God.
To have part with Jesus in
this, I picture Him alongside me, ever there to strengthen, encourage and love
me in a common task I have with Him towards the glorious goal of the Kingdom of
I may need Jesus to wash me from
time to time. I pray this is allowable. I gladly ask for it.
Lord Jesus,
I thank You for the privilege and opportunity to be washed by You. I
offer myself. I lay my sins before You and ask You to cleanse me. I ask You to
wash out all that I need to be released of, and I ask You to wash in equipping,
empowerment and enabling.
I pray that You might give me those gifts from the Father and of the
Spirit that will allow me, and lead me, to work in partnership with You to give
out the gospel message of love and salvation.
I pray for a washing in love. Show me, please, the things I may do in
truly following You. Let me see people as You see them. Let me see their needs
– not as they see them but as You see them, and lead me to minister to these
needs. I ask this in Your precious name. Amen.
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