Thursday, 31 December 2015

Temptation and prayer

On reaching the place, he said to them, “Pray that you will not fall into temptation.”   Luke 22.40

It is interesting that Jesus’ exhortation to His disciples at both beginning and end of this short passage is to pray so as not to fall into temptation. And He covers two aspects. The first is a prayer directed specifically against falling into temptation. The second is an encouragement to pray “so that” temptation is avoided. The suggestion here is that a praying person may avoid temptation whether they are specifically praying for that or just living life generally under the cover of prayer.

Between both these addresses to the disciples, we read of Jesus’ demonstration of obedience in the simplest of words, “Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done” (v42). Was Jesus being tempted at this stage? His words strongly suggest that He did not want to face the ordeal ahead. His preference was that the cup be removed. But His love for the Father came through in His absolute obedience – “yet not my will, but yours”.

These, surely, are words of encouragement. Jesus tells me to pray specifically that I will not fall into temptation. He illustrates that, when tempted, I can call out to God and ask Him to have His way.

And He encourages me to a praying life, one that will buffer me against temptation.

Holy Lord,

I do indeed pray that I will not fall into temptation. I ask that Your will be done in every aspect of my life. And may Your Holy Spirit lead and guide me into a lifestyle and lifetime of prayer that will so connect me to You.

In myself I am neither good nor worthy. But through prayer I can keep myself in touch with Your will and way for me. Receive my prayers, Lord. Receive me, and continue the work of love that You have begun in me, in Jesus’ name I ask.                   Amen.

My book “God Talk” is available through major Internet booksellers.
A taste of the book's content can be seen in the You Tube clip (Search: Peter Francis - "God Talk").

Monday, 28 December 2015

Prayed for

“Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift you as wheat. But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers.”                                                                                         Luke 22.31, 32

Simon was indeed tested. And he failed the test. He denied Jesus three times just as Jesus said he would. But Jesus also told that He had prayed for Simon. And this, I believe, had powerful results. History has shown that Simon did indeed turn back from his denial, and he went on to do mighty things for the Kingdom of God.

I know that Satan tempts me. Sadly, most of his truly threatening work takes place inside me. It is as if I’m the instigator and perpetrator. When I wrestle with thoughts that seek to lead me into wrong things, it is difficult to see this as an external attack. Yet this is what I believe it to be. The enemy would have me believe it’s me, but I have been cleansed by Jesus. He has made me fit to connect with the Father and to pursue His righteousness.

Jesus said He had prayed for Peter. He is also interceding for me (Rom. 8.34). Not only this, the Holy Spirit also intercedes for me (Rom. 8.26, 27). How blessed I am! The Godhead is united in intercession, for my wellbeing.

Lord Jesus,

I realise that You pray for me as You prayed for Peter. I am so blessed. I give myself to Your prayer. May no part of me hold back from what the Father plans. May I grow in love, in You, as I journey on.

I have an impression of You as my prayer partner. I am the unworthy one yet, as I sit in prayer with You, Your very presence cleanses me and restores me to that place where I am a delight to my heavenly Dad.

I shall sit here awhile, and pray with You. That You are praying for me encourages me to believe that You would pray with me. Please, may we pray awhile together? Thank You.                      Amen.  

Friday, 25 December 2015


“I tell you the truth,” he said, “this poor widow has put in more that all the others. All these people gave their gifts out of their wealth; but she out of her poverty put in all she had to live on.”                                                                                         Luke 21.3,4

These words speak so clearly to me in a singular context. Right now, as I read them, I am filled with the reminder and conviction that I want to give my all to Jesus.

What does this mean? I’m not exactly sure. I also sense that I don’t need to be sure. Not sure of what it means, that is! What I do need to be sure of, and only this, is that I give myself wholeheartedly to Him. He knows what He wants of me. I know that I want Him, and I want Him to take all of me.

I am conscious of the love affair that I have entered with Jesus. I pray that I will become even more and more conscious of this love with each passing day.

Love is the key. And this love, gloriously, is two-way. I am able to receive His love. I gasp when I think how He hovers and longs to pour out His love upon me. I doubt I will ever comprehend this! Praise God I do not need to understand, but simply receive. And as I receive God’s love, so I am fitted to share it. I take in, and I give out.

At this moment I’m basking in His love. I needn’t let go of this, but keep on receiving, and sharing. O, thank You, Lord.

Precious Lord,

I’m so in love with You. And the cry of my heart is to go deeper. Take me, Lord, I give all of myself to You.

I thank You that You have made me worthy to receive Your love. I pray that Your love will not stop. I pray also that I can willingly share the love that You give me. I ask for opportunities, and a willingness to share in the way in which You would Yourself share.

O, thank You for this love. May it flow, and flourish. I ask this in Your holy and powerful name.                Amen.

My book “God Talk” is available through major Internet booksellers.
A taste of the book's content can be seen in the You Tube clip (Search: Peter Francis - "God Talk").