Saturday, 22 November 2014

Do not...and do!

Therefore let us stop passing judgment on one another. Instead, make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in you brother’s way. Rom. 14.13

To cease passing judgment on others is one action ( or is it a non-action?) that Paul highlights for me. His next words are similarly “passive” - do not do anything that might cause him to stumble.

I am reminded of the Ten Commandments given to Moses on the mountain. I call them the negative commandments, for each one is a “Do not …” Likewise, in this present verse: do not pass judgment; do not place a stumbling block or obstacle in your brother’s way.

I am mindful of these “do nots” and I will endeavour to abide by them in my relationships, in all my relationships. Let me never seek to cause harm, injury or a “stumbling” to others.

I remember also the two commandments that Jesus gave. I see these as summarising the earlier ten commandments, but they do so in positive way. These are the “Do…”  encouraging  commandments: Do love God with all of your being, and Do love your neighbour (any person with whom you have some form of contact) as you would wish to be loved and treated yourself. 

Let me remember the “Do-nots”, but let me also apply myself to loving others in positive words and acts. As I combine these behaviours I just might spread God’s love and His invitation into relationship.

Almighty and Most Loving God,

Help me, please, to live out the “Do not” and also the “Do” commandments in my life. 

I ask for the presence and empowering of Your Holy Spirit that I might live, more and more, in ways that will please and delight You. 

Lead me through this day, and beyond. Amen. 

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