The immediate intent of my early morning stroll was to procure breakfast - not an easy task. Sunday mornings in Spain are not the busiest of times. While I waited for premises to open (around about 9 o'clock) I took in some of the sights. Almost by accident I came across Trajano's Arch. Then came the Roman Bridge. This was adjacent to the high and solid stone wall encasing the Alcazar, which I didn't visit. A short exploration of side streets brought me to the Temple of Diana. Then, wonderfully, I found the first premises open that served food. I stopped for breakfast.
As I finished breakfast, church bells were ringing nearby. They came from the not-too-big church building in the square. This turned out to be the Concatedral de Santa Maria la Mayor. There was no signage to indicate this, I had to work hard to verify it was so. This anonymity struck me as being in glaring contrast to the publicity given to the pagan ruins in the city.
I entered the Cathedral as mass was about to begin. I do not know enough Spanish to follow the service, nor am I familiar with the Roman Catholic liturgy which might have seen me through. Nevertheless, I was in God's house in company with His children, and this was good enough for me.
The mass was what I would call "sung Eucharist". Several priests entered, one of whom took up position in a confessional. A number of females, fully robed, also processed in with the priests. I took them to be the choir. They participated wonderfully in singing, but also played leading roles through the entire service -reading, leading responses etc.
I was in touch with God's people. The means of celebration was somewhat unfamiliar to me but this did not matter. I believe God when He says, "When two or three of you come together in my name, I'm there with you." He does not tell us when or how we are to "come together", He just delights that we do.
My morning connection was enhanced and even deepened by an afternoon encounter. The accommodation I was finally able to secure in this very busy city (it was truly the last place I had reference to) is very close to the remains of the famous aqueduct of Merida, Los Milagros Aqueduct. After a short siesta I took a stroll to the site. I found myself taking photograph after photograph. This surprised me, I usually forget to take any photographs at all.

A very pleasant parkland has been established around the aqueduct. The afternoon was superb. It was sunny and warm, and with not too many people about. I sat quietly for some time on a seat in the parkland. As I sat, I felt the presence of Jesus with me. I sensed Him communicate with me, saying something like: " Yes, I'm here! I've been in Merida for a long time. Centuries, and many people, have come and gone. Some have accepted me and enjoyed relationship as we walked together. The people you saw in the church today know me, but maybe not in quite the way you know me. This is the joy I experience with you, my children. You are all different, and the relationships you each share with me are different. But rest in the assurance that my love is total and complete for each and every one of you. I ask you to especially know this now. Relax, enjoy my smile that comes to you in the sunshine. Let me savour you and bless you with an abundance of peace and love."
So I did, and He did!
And lo, I am with you always, to the very end of the age.
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