Monday, 28 April 2014


Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfil the law of Christ.   Gal. 6.2

A true sense of community comes through in Paul’s words here. The Greek sentence emphasises “one another’s burdens”. We are not simply to bear our own loads, but to support and strengthen each other.

The Greek verb for “carry” can also mean to endure, to bear, to tolerate, to support or sustain, and even to pick up. There is true Christian fellowship and connection in this sentence.

I realise also that I might need to set aside any opinions I may have of others and the things with which they burden themselves. I need to see situations as Christ would see them and respond to them in the way that He would want me to. In doing this I might find the way to fulfilling the law of Christ.

Holy Lord,

I thank You for this reminder of the second commandment of Jesus: to love my neighbour as myself.

Help me to set aside any temptation to judge or form a prejudice against the actions of others, and the results that such actions might bring. Lead me, if You will, to be able to strengthen and support others in a way that is fully pleasing to You.

I pray for every heavenly equipping that I might need. I will not achieve in my own strength and ability but only as You lead, guide and endow me with those qualities that render me more Christ-like.

I yearn to follow my Saviour, to know Him, and to grow more like Him with each passing day.

Know my heart, Lord, and lead me on to fulfil these precious commands of loving You with every part of my being, and of loving my neighbour as myself. I ask these things in Jesus’ precious name.             Amen.

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