Yet the LORD longs to be gracious to you;
he rises to show you compassion.
For the LORD is a God of justice.
Blessed are all who wait for him! Isaiah 30.18
These words bring to my mind the father who
waits patiently for the return of his son (Luke, chapter 15). This is the
personification of God. His delight is to shower grace on His creation. We were
made for His pleasure, and His pleasure is for us to enjoy a deep and loving
relationship with Him.
Does our sin get in the way of such a
relationship? Only if we will allow it! Jesus has made the way for us to
confess and repent, to be freed of our sin, and to return to the Father in
restored relationship. Jesus constantly encourages us to take this course of
action: “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near.” Why, oh why, don’t
we take the easy way? So often, instead of turning to God immediately, in
humble confession and sincere repentance, we torment ourselves with feelings of
guilt, shame and unworthiness. Instead of using God’s sovereign weapon we hold
on to the evil weapons of Satan. How dishonouring this is to the love and
sacrifice of Jesus.
Let’s wake up and say “Be gone, Devil, with
your pathetic weapons of guilt, shame and unworthiness. I embrace God’s weapons
of love and grace, confession, repentance and forgiveness. I am a child of God
and, right now, I rush into His arms and His tender care.”
me for my sins and transgressions. Forgive me and set me free from shame, guilt
and unworthiness. These are Satan’s ways and not Yours. I spurn them and cast
them off.
come to You in humble confession. I lay my inadequacies before You and ask Your
forgiveness and release. I embrace Your mercy, grace, love and blessing. I
choose to walk with You today. I ask You to accompany me through all that will
unfold. Lead me in Your way. I want to go no other way.
me now. Lead me on, in Jesus’ Name I ask. Amen.