Tuesday, 7 January 2014


“The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks.”                                   Luke 6.45

With these words Jesus shows a connection between the heart and the mouth. The mouth speaks forth from the overflow of the heart. The heart is the vessel for feelings and emotions.

Our emotions can sometimes well up inside us until we feel like we might burst. But the overflow of the mouth comes into effect. We can open our mouths, express our feelings, and release our emotions. Of course, we are more likely to do this when we sense ourselves to be in a healthy place and condition where we can do so.

I note that there is no mention by Jesus of the mind in this process. He sees a direct connection between heart and mouth with no reference to the mind. I sense this might be because the mind can be influenced by other sources. Certainly external prompts come into play when others seek to impact us with their point of view. We might even find our minds questioning the validity of what our hearts are feeling and seeking to express.

On reflection, I see the mind as a far less reliable source than the heart. What I feel in my heart is true, despite the debates that might occur in my mind. I think Jesus knew this when He reminded us of the heart’s connection with what we speak forth.

I love Jesus, and I love to share about Him, about the love He has for me, and the love I have for Him. This love is heartfelt. I do not have to think about whether or not I love Him. I know that I do!

I get excited about Jesus. This excitement builds up in my heart and I sense the need for it to overflow out of my mouth. And so it does! When this happens, it is as if my mind and my brain are parked.

The expression of my love for Him is often animated and exuberant. This is my heartfelt response to my loving Saviour and Lord, Companion and Friend.

I pray that my mouth will be ever free to express the joy and love that I feel in my heart without any hindrance from my mind.

Lord Jesus,

As I have reflected in this time and penned these words, my heart has leapt inside me. I am excited as joy flows unimpeded from my heart in response to the love I’m feeling from You.

I love You and pray that I can always express that love freely and joyfully, even outrageously, as my mouth gives expression to the fullness of my heart.                 Amen.

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