Monday, 31 December 2012

Will you give me ...

When a Samaritan woman came to draw water, Jesus said to her, “will you give me a drink?”                               John 4.7

This simple sentence opens a significant discourse. And it all begins with Jesus asking something of someone else. Jesus had the most amazing and exciting news for this woman. Indeed, in a short space of time, the whole of her village had been impacted, and many lives had been changed. But Jesus’ intro had not been, “Have I got something for you? You’ve got to listen to this!” His approach had been to ask her to do something for Him, to give Him aid.

This demonstrates a wonderful way to engage a person, enabling follow through in further relationship. Christians have the most precious message to share yet we have no right to force it upon anyone. But with the right approach, the message will be received. It will be effective and the Kingdom of God will grow.

I pray for opportunities, many opportunities to share God’s love and the salvation hope that is in Jesus. But I need to do so in the right way, with the right opening.

Lord God,

What a wonderful example of connection and engagement Jesus illustrates in His meeting with the Samaritan woman. I thank You for the revelation of this.

I pray for many God-given opportunities to share the good news of the Gospel of love. I pray also that I will be sensitive to the right approach. I ask for Holy Spirit guidance. Your Word has said that the Holy Spirit will show me and even give me the words to say. I thank You, Lord.

I pray for the growth of the kingdom of God and I pray, in Jesus’ Name, that I may play a significant part in that growth.                                                                                          Amen.

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