Thursday, 19 July 2012


“Why should any of you consider it incredible that God raises the dead?”      Acts 26.8

Paul has been speaking to Agrippa, but these words suggest that he now addresses the others present such as Festus and the commanders. They did not believe in the resurrection. Agrippa was allied with the Sadducees. He appointed them high priests. He would be familiar with their non-belief in resurrection, and likely rejected it also himself.

In natural and scientific eyes resurrection is indeed incredible; it is unbelievable. But God rises above the ways and thinking of humanity, the supernatural transcends the natural. God raised Jesus from the dead, the first fruits for all who would follow Him. Man was created to enjoy deep and lasting relationship with God. The resurrection of Jesus opens the way for man to return to God and to recover the original promise.

Lord God,

I thank You for this reminder from Paul. In You there is fullness and permanence of life. Thank You. My mind cannot grasp the concept of eternal life, but my heart rejoices at the prospect.

I thank You that Jesus made the way. I accept the way of Jesus. I receive Christ anew into my heart today. I confess my sins before You. I ask Your forgiveness and Your help to overcome.

I pray for others especially those known to me who do not walk with You. I ask for that special revelation for them that will show them the way, and lead them in the way.

I thank You for this way. May I walk with You? Please guide me, speak with me, and enjoy me, allowing me to enjoy You.

            In Jesus’ name I ask these things.                               Amen.

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