Wednesday, 28 March 2012

The Clear Way

Now may our God and Father himself and our Lord Jesus clear the way for us to come to you. May the Lord make your love increase and overflow for each other and for everyone else, just as ours does for you. May he strengthen your hearts so that you will be blameless and holy in the presence of our God and Father when our Lord Jesus comes with all his holy ones.               1 Thess. 3.11-13

In the middle of his letter, Paul breaks into prayer. I receive his prayer for today and for me, as much as it was prayed for the original recipients of Paul’s letter.

Paul calls upon our God and Father. He acknowledges the might of God in His sovereign and all-mighty being together with His ineffable love as Father of all creation. The Son is there in complete unity with the Father – and also with the Spirit. By His sacrifice and victory, Jesus is truly Lord for all those who will accept Him.

Jesus is the way, the only way, to the Father. Jesus connects us all to the Father and to His amazing love. He also connects us to each other.

Paul calls upon Jesus to increase love in us. He asks that our love, not only for those we know and are in relationship with but also for all people everywhere, may increase and overflow. The clearest example of overflowing that I can offer is of a container filled with liquid that reaches to the capacity of the holder but then continues to flow. The container is unable to hold back the excess liquid which flows freely over everything. It is unrestrained and unrestricted. This is the love that we receive from Jesus – a love of and for Him, for ourselves, and for others.

In the example of the liquid, the container is always full. I need to know that I am ever filled, to brimming over, with the love of Jesus. But His love does more than fill me. It rushes out of me in a seemingly reckless way, touching all who are near. Yes, the love of God, just like the liquid in the container, cannot be held back. It freely flows over and out. It flows without restraint. I cannot help but share the wonderful love which is His gift to us. It is unrestricted. There is no limit to its volume. There is no restriction to the places and persons it can reach. And there is no bound to the miracles it can work. I am marked by the love of God. In Him I am commissioned and enabled to share His love. As freely as I receive it, so I share it.

Jesus can strengthen my heart. In Him and through Him I can find strength and holiness in the presence of God. I am blameless in Jesus. What greater blessing might there be? When the Lord Jesus comes with His holy ones, He will receive me and draw me to His own. I pray there will be many others drawn to Him at that very time through the power of the love He has given me for them – a love that He has so willingly and freely given me, and that I have been willing to share freely without limit or charge.

I receive this prayer of Paul for myself. I pray for love and strength in Almighty, Loving God, and for His enabling of me to witness His love and grace to others.

Lord God, Holy Heavenly Father,

I thank You for this prayer that Paul uttered so long ago. I make it my own prayer today.

I ask for an increase in love. I pray for Your love to fill me to saturation and then to overflow. I ask that the love You give me will remove all obstacles to my reaching out to others in love. I pray Your love will flow, freely and unabated, through me, touching all in proximity with the grace and mercy, love, strength and blessing of their Holy Father and Wonderful Saviour.

Lord God, I am a sinner. I confess and repent of my wrong-doing. I ask You to strengthen me into holiness. Lead me forth in Your blamelessness. Protect me that I may always be a spokesman for You.

In strength and love – in, of and for You – I seek to go forward. Lead me on. Have Your way in my life. In Jesus’ Name I ask.                                                                             Amen.

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