Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Do not turn away

“Do not be afraid,” Samuel replied. “You have done all this evil; yet do not turn away from the LORD, but serve the LORD with all your heart.”                1 Sam. 12.20

The Israelites realise they have done wrong in asking for a king. Yet Samuel urges them not to turn away from the Lord God in the realisation of their wrong-doing. It might be a natural thing to do. Having wronged someone it is then difficult to face them, but this is what Samuel advocates. God is faithful. He chose the Israelites for a very special purpose. Sadly, He knows they will rebel and go against him. But He is a forgiving God who will freely pardon those who seek it of him. The Israelites realise this for they ask Samuel to pray for them. Samuel, in turn, acknowledges that if he should fail to pray he would himself be sinning against the Lord.

The story of the Bible contains many such instances and examples. The lesson is clearly there and, I believe, it is a lesson for every believer. The temptation to turn away from God when we have done the wrong thing, or even passively when we fail or omit to do the right thing, must be resisted, and must be overcome. Doubts and impulses come from the enemy who subtly whispers, “You’re not worthy!” “You’ve done it again!” “You can’t walk with God in this!” This is all rot and must be seen as such. The first place to go in the time of sin and straying is right back to God, to bring everything before him, lay it down and seek His forgiveness and restoration. For restoration most assuredly follows God’s forgiveness.

What a wonderful, gracious God we have who receives us, time after time, when we have let him down. He receives us, forgives us, heals us and restores us. And He will continue to do this just as long as we come to Him, in genuine repentance and faith. The Israelites experienced this of old. We can experience it every day. Praise our wonderful God!

Holy Father,

I like to think that I, as an earthly father, would forgive any sin or grievance that my child might commit against me. Yet, even as I write these words, I know that my breadth of love is nothing when compared with Yours.

Dear Lord, thank you for loving me and caring so much for me. Thank You for the supreme sacrifice You made in sending the Son to die in order that I might be restored to the Father. Lord, I do not take this lightly. I ask You to help me to clearly convey this message to others. There are so very many who need to know You and receive this most amazing love which rescues them, frees them and leads them forward in victorious living.

Lord, I pray for them. In Your mercy, hear my prayer. In grace prepare the way and send out the messengers into that way, that all might hear and receive, and that none shall perish.

Forgive me my sins this day. Lead me forward, to the fulfilment of all that You have for me, in Jesus’ name I ask.                                                                                                         Amen.

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