We did not follow cleverly invented stories when we told you about the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty. 2 Peter 1.16
Peter lived and experienced Jesus and the wonder of His being, together with the supernatural events that marked His life. Peter was an eyewitness to the love and power, the grace and majesty of God, worked on earth among us by His Son, the very image and manifestation of God.
Peter did not have to make up stories in order to spread the incredible news of Jesus’ gospel of salvation. He did not need to fabricate events nor manufacture situations. He had no call on myths or imaginative stories. He simply spoke from his first hand experience of Jesus. His Lord and Saviour had been also his companion and friend. Peter had countless eyewitness accounts that he could share of the influence and impact of Jesus in, and on, his life. Peter had only to speak the truth.
This is speaking to me. Is this, perhaps, because my name is also Peter, or is this mere coincidence? However, this Peter can learn from that earlier Peter. He spoke of what he had seen and witnessed of Jesus. I too have experienced Jesus. He has show me much and done many great and wonderful things in my life. I have “seen” Him, but perhaps not in the physical and tangible way that the apostle Peter experienced. Yet, I truly believe, He is every bit as real for me as He was for Simon Peter.
I may not truthfully describe myself as an eyewitness for Jesus, but I can most certainly be an “I-witness” for Him.
What must I do? I think I simply follow the example of my famous namesake and speak what I know. Like him, I do not need to make up stories. I have many stories of my own real experience of Jesus. My witness comes forth as I share what He has done for me.
Precious Lord, Loving Saviour,
You are real to me. O, I praise You! I thank You for the wonderful gift of salvation You have given me. I thank You for the many, glorious experiences I have shared with You. I thank You for the releases and healings You have brought into my life. I am free. You have liberated me.
I pray that You will enable me to share my experiences of You. I pray for specific, God-appointed and anointed opportunities to share the love of God and the wonderful gift of redemption and salvation that is instantly available through Jesus.
Allow me to share You as I know You. I pray for wisdom, that I do not share inappropriately. I ask also for grace, that my stories will impact, and be used by You to draw people to Jesus.
Thank You for Your incredible love for me. I love You. Amen.