Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Heb. 12.2
We are running a race, the race of life. In any race it behoves to fix your sights on the goal. This has many advantages. It helps to keep us focused; it shows us the way; it also encourages us for we can see clearly what we are aiming for and we can delight and be strengthened when we see ourselves progress toward the goal.
With Jesus as our goal, and fixing our eyes upon Him we receive another benefit. We benefit from the knowledge of His witness. In the preceding chapter of Hebrews we have read of the great witnesses of faith who have run this race before us. We are reminded, in the start of this present chapter, that we are surrounded by this great cloud of witnesses. It is as if they fill the stadium where we are running our race. They are all about us. They cheer us on, they lift us up, and they encourage us. They are perfectly qualified to do this for they have – each one of them – run their own race. They have struggled with similar issues to those that we struggle with. They have wrestled with their own sins. They have each won their race. They have overcome. They stand now in witness and in constant encouragement to us.
With all this encouragement, we steadily fix our eyes upon Him. And He is the greatest witness and greatest encouragement of all. He endured the utmost humiliation through betrayal, false witness, persecution, torture and the ultimate horror of the basest execution. He was scorned and He was shamed. He was stripped of all dignity. And He could have stopped it all. He chose this way, the way of the cross, so that we might know freedom and restoration with a loving God. He is the most excellent witness and encouragement.
We fix our eyes on Jesus. Our faith starts with Him. We have received Him. We have committed to Him. We have invited Him into our inmost being. He is the author of all we want and desire. He is also the means. He starts and He completes. As I have started in Him, so I will be complete in Him. He is everything for me. He is my all.
In any race it is possible to weary, sometimes to the point of dropping out. I cannot drop out of this race. To do so would be to lose everything. He knows this, and He encourages me:
Consider him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart (v.3).
If my eyes are fixed upon Him constantly then I am safe. He will lead me. He is my perfect example. The stadium is packed with the most wonderful, amazing witnesses. They exhort and encourage and they point the way – each and every one of them – to Him. He is all I need.
Gracious Lord,
I fix my eyes upon Jesus. I look to Him for everything. I want nothing else, nothing less.
I thank You for the mighty cloud of witnesses that surrounds me. I feel their encouragement. I know I have but to open Your Book and their stories and testimonies overwhelm me.
But it’s You I want. Sweet Saviour, I desire a closer walk, a much closer walk with You. Lead me in You. Show me the way, Your way. As I make daily progress in this race, let me ever see You. Be my guide, constant and sure. Be my companion, faithful and true. Be my goal, both there and here. Thank You, Lord. Amen.
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