Sunday, 18 September 2011

My Dad

When I thought, “My foot is slipping,” your steadfast love, O LORD, held me up.                                                                                                                                    Psalm 94.18

There are times when I feel quite uncertain. Then, when I turn to God, I am upheld and my way becomes sure.

There are times when I can literally feel myself going, and again God comes in with His amazing support and guidance.

At other times I sense, “It’s too late, I’ve really done it this time. Here comes the crash!” And, yet again, God is there for me. In such instances it might require me to deal with pride. Yes, I likely need to swallow a great deal of pride! But God is there, and will come to the rescue if I will allow.

I am but one, and may see my concerns as relatively insignificant in worldly terms. I have heard, and read, of others whose plight is far more perilous that mine, sometimes even deadly. But God upholds them. Indeed, the greater the adversity, the stronger is the testimony – of God’s protection, deliverance and blessing.

This is His steadfast love, and it is active. God does not hold back. There are certainly times when I need to come to Him in humble petition. I need to take deep into my being the truth and realisation that nothing, but NOTHING keeps God’s love from me. This is basic, and vital, information. When I feel shame, guilt or unworthiness, particularly if it’s connected with actions or thoughts I feel responsible for, the clear action for me is to run to the Father and confess. Satan will delight to attempt to persuade me I’m a lost cause, but God’s love is greater, and it beckons me back into sweet relationship with Him.

Dear Father,

I read of You holding me up when my foot is slipping and I see a wonderful picture of a dad and his son. And this is what I cherish. I give myself to You for the fullness of this relationship.

Yes, You are God Almighty, but You are also my living, heavenly Dad. I worship You as Almighty God, and I love You as my Divine Dad.

Can I embrace these two very different aspects of You? I think so! And I marvel at how wonderful, gracious and loving You are.

I thank You, in Jesus’ name.               Amen.

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