Tuesday, 31 May 2011

We´ve Arrived!

Santiago de Compostela, Tuesday 31st May 2011

Yesterday it rained, for just the second time in thirty-two days. We have been blessed with extremely good weather. After the shower had passed, I prayed - with all the grace I could muster - asking God to clear the rain overnight and telling Him I´d like to enter Santiago in the fullness of His sunshine. He has answered my prayer.

The day began overcast and misty but the weather openend up into a fine and sunny, but cool and slightly breezy, day as the morning progressed.

In the last two days we have walked through some eucalyptus woods. These might have reminded me of home, but they didn´t really. The environment just isn´t the same.

The walk was most pleasant, but the reality is that we are ready to reach Santiago. When we did finally enter the city there was no definite response either of joy, jubilation, or even anti-climax. It was more a case of ¨Well, here we are!¨ The action, I think, lay principally with the legs and feet. It was quite a walk from the city boundary to the old, historic quarter, and the feet were rather saying, Ënough. It´s time to get there.¨ Eventually, we were there. We actually approached the cathedral from the rear (had we missed a turn somewhere?) As we made our way down the final few hundred metres, we were suddenly rushed by two German ladies whom we had walked and talked with from time to time along the way. They greeted us, hugged us, and congratulated us profusely. This was something that was to be repeated continuously through the rest of the day. It was Leon all over again. But this time, it was more so. Is this Camino? It is certainly a vital part of it.

When we turned into the cathedral square, the sight of this mighty, majestic building was something to behold. After photos we were more than ready to seek out our hotel. This wasn´t the easiest task but eventually we found it and installed ourselves. And it was central - good!

After a most refreshing shower we headed back into the cathedral quarter. Again, more greeting, hugging, and congratulating. We ate a simple lunch and proceeded to the peregrino office for our Compostela. In front of the  office we met Stefano from Sardinia whom we hadn´t seen for about two weeks. It was like greeting a long, lost son. The queue at the peregrino office wasn´t long and, in a short time, I was presented with my Compostela. Reading it caused the briefest emotion to rise in me, the only response I´ve felt so far to the completion of the Camino.

On our return to the hotel we were pleasantly surprised to find Nils and Lily, the Danish couple who now live in Montpellier were also staying there. The way in which we meet so many people we know, in a totally foreign city is amusing, a bit bewildering, and totally wonderful.

Tomorrow is attendance at the 12 o´clock pilgrim mass, followed by meeting up with my brother Edward, his wife Kate and son, Huw who have come out from UK to spend some time with me. This could well be an emotional day. I´ll keep you posted.

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