Sunday, 5 January 2020

A Holy Temple

In him the whole building is joined together and rises to become a holy temple in the Lord. And in him you too are being built to become a dwelling in which God lives by his Spirit   Eph. 2. 21, 22

I see two aspects, and two results/ happenings/achievements in these words. Firstly, it is in Jesus that mankind becomes the “holy temple of God.” Secondly, it is in Jesus that I become a dwelling place in which God lives by His Spirit.

I could possibly become a temple if I gave myself to create such a thing. But I could never become a holy temple by my own doing. My sin would mar the whole structure, making it tarnished and shoddy. But Jesus, by His perfect and divine sacrifice, makes possible for me what is impossible in myself. I have a conviction that, when God looks down on me from heaven, He sees Jesus. Hallelujah! Surely one of the greatest blessings.

When I join with others whom Jesus has cleansed and brought into the building of His holy temple, a God force is created, a force that is empowered to show the world the mighty, almost unbelievable love of the Father.

I open myself to God’s Holy Spirit, for it is by the Spirit that God lives in the dwelling He has made in me. I give myself to join together with other believers to become a living temple of our most holy God. May this temple be strong, united, loving, focused, and quipping to step out, to share the message of God with compassion, grace and blessing.  

Wonderful Saviour,
By the sacrifice of Your body You have made it possible for me to become part of Your holy temple of love. I give myself willingly into Your hands. I ask You to form me, release me, and do with me whatever You choose, I pray for   Your church, the Body of Christ. I ask You, humbly to bring revival. I pray and ask You to remove, any apathy. Strengthen us please. Bring forth Your power in the miracle of love. Let us show people the way to You. Grow the Body of Christ. I ask in the name of Your precious Son.         Amen.

Friday, 3 January 2020


Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and aliens, but fellow citizens with God’s people and members of God’s household, built on the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone.
                                                                                 Eph. 2.19, 20

God’s family is one! Paul declares this truth clearly in this letter. This places the truth for a long time. It has been declared for centuries past. Why, O why, then, do we not live in compliance with God’s truth? This is a question I would put to Jews and Christians alike, to the many proliferations and practices within the Christian world. 

We are in positive disobedience and blatant disregard of God’s will. And do we care? Seemingly not! We remain steadfast in our pathetic cliques and exclusivities, and the work of God is hindered and grossly abused. The Body of Christ has been weakened and the egos and ambitions of mankind elevated.                  

Ehen will we learn? The world desperately needs reformation. Society is fast disintegrating. People do just as they please. Authority is corrupt, and regularly ignored by many. Respect and courtesy are attributes that are disappearing, together with manners, responsibility and consequences.

Does the world need God? You bet it does! But it does not seem to know. The thought of changing and complying to decent standards is alien to much of today’s society. Yet, I believe God is still in charge. I know the moral fabric and behaviour do not attest to this, but God’s ways are not our ways. However sooner or later the change will come. I pray for a new world, a place of harmony, peace and Godly living.  

Lord God,
I see this world in an abysmal state in many places. I cry out to You for help. O Most Mighty One, I intercede for Your fallen people. We have ignored You; we have left Your ways for us, and we are have mostly lost what is tight. Help us I pray. Reach out to us and draw us back into Your will. Lead us in Your way, in Jesus’ name I ask.  Amen.

Wednesday, 1 January 2020

Peace and joy

He came and preached peace to you who were far away and peace to those who were near. For through time we both have access to the Father by the Spirit.                                 Eph.  2. 17, 18

Jesus brings peace. Jesus is peace. The peace of Jesus is there for any who will receive it. He is there for those who come near and those who are far away. I note that the apstle refers first to those who were far away. 

Those who are furthest from the Father are surely the ones who are most in need of the saving grace of Jesus. The love of God reaches out to touch everyone with no exception (2 Peter 3.9). However far away people may seem from the love of the Father and peace of the Son, they are never out of God’s reach. His hands embrace the whole earth. His love can cover all.

The peace of Jesus is also poured gout on those who are near to Him. This might be a physical closeness, a spiritual closeness, or both. Wherever we stand in relation to Jesus, He is always close to us. He will draw us even closer to Himself if we will allow Him. I want to get as close to Jesus as I possibly can. I want to be able to look into the depths of His wonderful eyes. I look to know the breath of His Holy Spirit exuding from Him and touching me with His presence. I want to feel His embrace and the liberty and strength that comes with it. In short, I want to be filled to overflowing with Him. He is my all, my everything. 

Most Precious Jesus,
I come to You in the fullness of love, the love You have for me, and the sweet love You allow me to offer to You.
I thank You for the wonderful journey you have led me on. I look forward to more. May Your guiding hand lead me in paths of wonderment and joy. May I know your Your presence with me in sweetness of deep relationship and intimacy. You have drawn me to You. How blessed I am. You take me on the most wonderful adventures, and I know Your presence ever with me. You enjoy me, and I cannot understand it. But I accept it and give myself fully into it. I thank You, O I thank You.             Amen.