The Spirit of the LORD will rest on him –
the Spirit of wisdom and of understanding,
the Spirit of counsel and of power,
the Spirit of knowledge and of fear of the LORD –
and he will delight in the fear of the LORD Isa. 11.2,3a
Isaiah is speaking of the coming Messiah. He describes Him thus: A shoot will come up from the stump of Jesse; from his roots a Branch will bear fruit.(v1)
This description can readily apply to Jesus. He descended from the line of David, from the stump of Jesse. Certainly He bore fruit, as did His disciples.
Jesus was filled with the Spirit of God. He had in Him all the qualities defined by the Spirit: wisdom and understanding; counsel and power; knowledge and fear of the Lord.
Fear of the Lord is not a threatening or frightening sensation. It is a loving reverence for God, and it embraces submission to His lordship, and conformance with the commands of His Word. Fear of the Lord releases me to knowledge of Him. (Prov. 1.7) This knowledge is further revealed to me as I move forward in loving reverence of Him.
The Spirit fills every part of Jesus. The Spirit is present in all of His doings. The Spirit is very life to Jesus. The Spirit that filled Jesus – the Holy Spirit of God and the Spirit of Jesus, also lives in me! (Rom. 8.11)
There is an obligation on me not to live according to the sinful nature or I will die. I am called to live by the Spirit. In doing so, I will put to death the misdeeds of the body and I will live, and be led by, the Spirit of God. (Rom. 8.13,14)
I want to live by the Spirit.
Most reverent and revered God,
I bow before You in holy fear of Your person, and in gratitude for Your presence in my life. I am still sometimes seduced by the sinful nature. I confess and repent of this, and I seek Your forgiveness. I desire to know, and be filled with, the Spirit of Jesus. Lord, let Your Holy Spirit fill me and be the drawing force in my life. As I live by the Spirit, let me die to the ways of the flesh. I ask this, believing, as I ask it in the name of Jesus. Amen.