“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.” Mark 12.30
For me, another way of saying this is “Love God with all of you.” Yes, Yes, Yes!
This is an encouragement – we may say it is a command – but I receive it as an encouragement from Jesus to hold nothing back in my love and adoration of God.
My heart is the very essence of me. I seek a heart-filling of Jesus. With Him in my heart I am open and receptive.
My soul is where a lot of my worldly emotion takes place. I seek a soul sold out to God and led by Him.
My mind sometimes chooses to think carnal thoughts. I seek to take every thought captive to Christ.
What strength do I have? However much, I surrender to Him. I look to live in His strength and not my own.
Lord God,
I come to You with all of my being. I surrender all of me to You. Take my heart, my soul, my mind and my strength, and make them Yours.
Fill me with Your presence. Own me completely. Receive my praise and adoration, my worship and reverence.
I love you, Lord. I want this love I have for You to fill my heart, my soul and my mind. With all the strength I have, I seek to love You.
I ask for more. Strengthen me even further, mighty God. Fill me with Your love. Saturate me. Consume me.
Be with me, in a love that knows no bounds. All things are possible with You.
I would do all things in You.
Thank you, Lord, Mighty God. Amen.