And having been made perfect, he
became to all those who obey him the source of eternal salvation. Heb.
Ephesians 2.8 tells us that we are saved by grace
through faith. Grace and faith work together for salvation.
But there is yet a third fundamental element to be
considered. This is obedience. God may extend grace of salvation to us as we
reach out in faith, but obedience is necessary to receive the fullness of
eternal salvation.
Jesus was fully obedient to the will of the Father.
He dedicated Himself while on earth to the fulfilment of the Father’s will in
His life. Jesus was obedient, but He had to learn obedience. We are told (Heb.
5.8) that He learned obedience from the things which He suffered. In His
suffering, and by His obedience, He was made perfect. This perfect being is our
source of eternal salvation.
Do I want to obey? Am I willing to become obedient
to this God-Man who made obedience the mainstay of His life philosophy? He learned
obedience. He became obedient even unto death! He was made perfect by His
obedience in suffering. And He calls me to obey Him. Can I? Will I?
I want
to be obedient. I pray that You can read my heart and know my desire for You
and my need for obedience. I know that I do not have the strength within
myself. I know this, for I stumble too often.
Yet I
believe the desire will open the way for You to lead me and work in me. I
desire to be obedient. Precious Lord, I love You so much, I want to honour and
obey You. Hear my cry and help me.
me, Lord Jesus. Draw me into Your way. Strengthen me in experience and
suffering. Lead me into obedience. In Your precious name I ask. Amen.